Screenshot from the central course register Ladok (the only possible grades were pass or fail).
And this time in the assignment I managed to tie together my thoughts about openness and sustainability. I wrote about how Houdini Sportswear with all their experience in sustainability can become more than a role model and even reach the level of a public educator. In this spirit, I have also decided to publish my assignment publicly and get a DOI for it (as the university does not do this by default or offer that services optionally yet). It is available on Zenodo as DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.15011039 (it is written in Swedish).
A few months back, I stumbled upon a call for submissions to a zine by Climateverse: Futurescapes – Visions of Earth 2024-2100. They were looking for art or stories around the climate in a future setting. The way it asked for submissions for different time frames got me thinking about a problem I have been thinking about for a long time, namely how to reduce the amount of flying in the world. While there are systems with taxes, those quickly become unjust as the very rich ones just pay and keep flying. And systems with steep progressive taxes (like where the tax increases exponentially for each flight) need to track how much everybody is flying, and thus is a concern for the privacy.
But the problem remains.
And the last idea got me thinking. What if, if we somehow anyway need to forsake some privacy, instead of tracking where people go, have an agency that decides if you are allowed to go somewhere in the first place. And it makes that judgment based on the necessity of the flight in light of the harm the flight itself causes. Basically, reframing it by treating flying as such a pollutant that you need an exception from the baseline of flying not being allowed, and you will only get permission if you can prove that the flight will bring some kind of benefits for humanity. The purpose of the agency would be to reduce carbon emissions.
On the website, there is a form for applying for permission to make a flight as the landing page. The form is really meant to show that there needs to be good cause for a flight and that pleasure is not an option to base travel on.
After working on flight permission form and the website for a while, I felt that there is more to explore in this space. I want to expand this site to both be an experiment of radical ideas and a showcase of good steps in the world.
Therefore, I will be adding news as I find them, and I would also love if you help me out if you see good and previously radical ideas implemented. Send them to me at or make an issue or pull request on GitHub.
And on the more provocative side, I will keep adding ideas that an agency could do. Here, too, I would be thankful for any ideas that you have. Use the same email or GitHub to share them with me. The purpose of this is to show what an agency could do, increasing the Overton window in the public discussion, perhaps finding solutions that are going in this direction.
Europeana has this fun challenge every year, GIF IT UP, which is about modifying a public domain image in one of the connected collections in some creative way. I have thought about doing something for it several times, but never got around to it. But this year I finally did. My entry below, I call Beach Level Demise, and it builds on the painting Summer evening on Skagen’s Southern Beach by Peder Severin Krøyer. If you like it and have the time, please vote for it.
The meaning is probably quite obvious, a remark about the rising sea levels due to climate change. When I made this, I had no idea about the Danish TV series Families like Ours, but now it feels even more fitting.
This spring I took a short course in Climate Leadership in Politics and Public Administrations (archived), 3.0 ECTS credits, remotely at Uppsala University. The course was inspiring, and some of the professors were excellent. The grades have now been reported to the central system, LADOK, and I passed!
It feels good to know a bit about possible regulatory instruments, and even if this may not be directly applicable in any of my current assignments in Open By Default, I would love to help on issues in this topic space in the future.
It’s the end of the year, and time to reflect. I didn’t have any resolutions like in 2021, but I did have some smaller ones. Or smaller might not be quite the right word, since they were ambitious. But they were more narrow.
My first personal goal was to keep up with running, with the goal of averaging 2.5 km per day, or 5 km every second day to be precise. Last year, I was not sick once and kind of crushed it. But this year I was sick twice, so I lost many running days. In the end, I still racked up 882 km. That is about 2.42 km per day and a bit shy of my goal. Another way to look at it is that I managed to keep my average on more than 352 days. So not even two weeks short in total. I’ll give myself a pass on this considering the circumstances. Adding the hiking I did, I am just above 1,000 km, but that was not part of my original target.
365 climate edits
My second goal was, yet again, a Wikipedia related one. But this time it was very different and aimed to be habit building. My goal was to make one climate related edit every day, and I called it #365climateedits. This one was also hard, mainly because life is complex. I found a few kinds of edits on Wikidata that I could do even when I was short on time. But It didn’t help because, as it happened, I fell in love this year and that sometimes makes you lose track of both time and place. Still, I only missed 3 days on the full year and to make up for it, I will continue a bit into 2024. Some of my edits, but not those from Wikidata, can be seen in the hashtag tool (along with everyone else’s doing the challenge).
What I learned from this was that even though it was somewhat habit building, it was also stressful to have it hanging over me, and despite knowing that I was adding value, it never felt satisfying to do these small edits.
Therefore, my goal for 2024 will be something quite different, and if I do some challenges, I think I will be very lenient when it comes to streaks.
I somras gick jag kursen Retorik och klimatomställning 7,5 hp på distans på Södertörns högskola. Det var en lärorik kurs och det var i den som jag skrev debattinlägget om koranbränning som blev publicerad i Expressen. Jag har ju gått en kort retorikkurs för cirka 15 år sedan så det var både skönt att fräscha upp det, men också att gå in djupare på teorin, det var en väldigt praktisk kurs. Nu har betygen skickats in och jag kan se i Ladok att jag blev godkänd på kursen. Hurra!
Förutom att det alltid är roligt att få bättre verktyg i verktygslådan så hoppas jag att det här kan vara mig behjälpligt i mitt engagemang i Wikimedians for Sustainable Development. (Och nu när jag tänkte länka till ett blogginlägg om det så ser jag att jag inte har publicerat något dedikerat inlägg om det, så det blir en ny punkt på att-göra-listan.)
Idag har jag en debattartikel om klimatet i Expressen. Det var en idé som jag har grunnat på sedan länge, men som med den senaste debatten om koranbränning bubblade upp till ytan igen. Det är en ganska kontroversiell idé i sin enkelhet, att det inte bör vara tillåtet att okontrollerat elda något alls, så det ska bli spännande att se vad responsen blir.
Bild genererad med
Det finns ju egentligen mycket mer att säga om detta än vad som får plats i 3 500 tecken, som är formatet för en debattartikel så det blir ju en del som blir implicit i den. Men ja, min tanke är verkligen ett generellt eldningsförbud. Vilket bland annat innebär slutet för nöjesgrillning vilket jag tror kanske är det som kommer att uppröra mest. Lite mindre implicit, och här tänker jag på hänvisningen till Naturvårdsverkets rapport, är att även braskaminer eller vedeldning i hemmet i tätorter borde förbjudas. Utöver koldioxiden så blir luftkvaliteten riktigt dålig. Självklart bör en tidsbegränsad dispens ges till de som idag inte har ett alternativt uppvärmningssätt i hemmet.
Att jag just nu läser sommarkursen Retorik och kostomställning blev vad som fick mig att gå från tanke till handling. Det här blir en del av min slutuppgift och nu ska jag skriva ihop en rapport om det till nästa vecka och sen är den klar. Det blir nog minst en uppföljningspost på det här.
Last fall, I took a course at Uppsala University, Climate Leadership: Strategies for Transition. It was an excellent course on 5 ECTS credits, led by Mikael Karlsson, former chairman of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation. The course ended in October, but due to COP26, the climate conference, our grades took some extra time.