Över 300 avsnitt av Wikipediapodden

I 2019 tog jag och Magnus över programledarrollen för Wikipediapodden, och vi har hållit i sedan dess. Precis nyligen gjorde vi avsnitt 300!

Det har varit en kul resa och över tiden har vi gjort små förändringar här och där. Vi har prövat olika segment, olika längder och frekvens. Men två saker har varit konstanta.

För det första att det främst är en nyhetsuppdatering. Det var så det började, och det är också det som jag tycker främst saknas. Det gör det dessutom att vi behöver vara mindre kreativa varje vecka, eftersom att vi återspeglar vad som händer i de olika gemenskaperna.

För det andra att vi har fokuserat på att ha kul själva och vara generösa mot oss själva. Vi siktar på ett avsnitt inspelat samma tid varje vecka men om livet slänger in oväntade händelser har vi alltid enkelt spelat in en annan dag eller hoppat över en vecka. Jag tror att det är en viktig del att vi fortfarande håller på.

Samtidigt vill jag ge ett stort tack till Wikimedia Sverige som ger oss stöd för webbhotell, inspelningsprogram och teknik. Utan det skulle nog vi aldrig tagit oss dit vi är idag.

My sustainability December 2024

User group meeting

We had a well attended meeting and managed in the end to agree on the annual plan. It’s our first, so I consider it a big success, even though the ambitions in it are fairly low. We didn’t get around to finalizing the strategy yet, though. That will be for early next year.


I did get a last newsletter of the year out, too. An interesting study there that gets on my reading list.

This is the second half of my eleventh report of my New Year’s resolutions.

Member of the Wiki Loves Earth jury 2024

Last year, I had the honor of being in the jury for the international final of Wiki Loves Earth. I must have done something right because this year I was invited to participate again without even applying.

Again, there were over 500 finalists from the participating countries, and while it is an absolute pleasure to get the opportunity to look at them in detail, it is also a tough work ranking them against each other. After a first round, about one quarter of the images were left for a final round. The tooling was just as great as last year, and the organizers did very well in guiding us jurors in our work. And that got us to a result.

So once again I have the pleasure to see that twenty winners have finally been announced. Head over to wikilovesearth.org and check them out, there are some true gems there. Or flip through the full jury report.

Certificate to jurors.

Of course, in a jury with 11 jurors, there will be some compromises, but as my favorite images made it to the top ten I am still happy with the overall result. My absolute favorite of them all was this stunning landscape.

Кызылкуп на рассвете by Максат79, CC BY-SA 4.0

My sustainability November 2024

User group meeting and strategy

We did have a tiny but constructive user group meeting (minutes) in November which brought up one good new idea about exploring new media and coordinating that work. I added it to the strategy which is starting to come together to the point that I think we can use it for 2025 and then incrementally improve it. As the year is quickly coming to an end, I also set up a page for our annual plan for next year to start collecting some tangible ideas.


The newsletter came together this month too, and this time also with a new contributor which was nice.

CEE catch-up call #8

The Central and East Europe hub have catch-up calls and for their 8th I was invited to give a brief introduction to the user group. It was recorded but neither the video nor the slides (I added mine to their slide deck) have been uploaded to Wikimedia Commons yet.

This is the second half of my tenth report of my New Year’s resolutions.

My sustainability October 2024


I created a first draft of the strategy for 2030 by moving the ideas we came up with at our last meeting. It’s not fully fledged, but perhaps it is good enough to provoke a reaction, or to see what is missing when we get down to annual planning.


While not packed with content, I did manage to get a newsletter for October sent.

Social Media

This month, after a discussion I initiated, we opted to deactivate the Twitter account @wikisusdev: Internet Archive.

On a more constructive note, I also engaged a new moderator in the Facebook group. I truly hope to be able to get more people involved like this, by taking on quite small tasks. Not only will it unburden me, but my ambition is that it will increase the sense of belonging, community and agency in the process and development happening in all these ends.

This is the second half of my ninth report of my New Year’s resolutions.

A small birthday gift to Wikidata

On Tuesday, 29 October, Wikidata turns twelve, and I had been thinking about creating a small birthday gift to celebrate. Earlier, I had experimented with creating an animated background to use in our Editing Wikidata live streams, but never got one that worked well. But the thought popped up again, and perhaps I could do something different.

As it were, another thought I had also been pondering was how to do a refresh on the older web slides I used to present and if I could use the animated background I have on aina.li. Two thoughts turned into one, and I made an animated Wikidata background for the web.

As a demo, I deployed it to GitHub pages, to show it in full use, but the real treat is in the code for anyone to reuse.

Yes, it is a bit silly, and not hugely useful for the sum of human knowledge, but a celebration has to be a bit fun too. So happy 12th birthday Wikidata, I hope you enjoy all your gifts.

My sustainability August and September 2024

September was more hectic than planned, so here comes two months of reporting at once.


As I mentioned last month, I organized a meetup for anyone interested in sustainable development. While decently attended, it did not pan out the way I had planned. Instead of sharing ideas of what to do, there were plenty of people who felt a need to vent their worries about the climate change. I think for the future, having a separate climate café where people just can talk about that would be useful and can make the community more sustainable in itself.

I don’t know if many others used the list all sessions related to the SDGs that I created, but at least it was useful to me during the event.

User group meetings

We had meetings in both August and September, in the first we mostly did some planning and in the second, we started the work on a strategy for the user group. More work to do in the following weeks.


While hectic, I managed to get the newsletters sent both for August and September.

This is the second half of my eighth report of my New Year’s resolutions.

My Wikimania 2024

The week before last I was in Katowice in Poland for the annual conference Wikimania. Overall, it was well-organized, but as in any big conference, there are always things to improve. Unfortunately, there always seem to be some things that have been done better in the past that are regressing (for example, not using multilingual menus). I wonder how we can not only capture the learnings from every year, but also successfully transfer them over to the next.


As usual, I used the learning pattern Documenting your event experience, continuously documenting what I was doing, watching and participating in, along with notes of thoughts that I got. In total, I partook in 24 sessions and as organizer/speaker of another 3 myself during the conference. I have later watched another 6 sessions and have 7 still on my backlog, so the conference will stay in my mind for quite some time. I will delve deeper into the different aspects of my Wikimania experience below.


This year I tried to get people together, but it was difficult to get hold of people as they were so busy with all the sessions. I did record one session, but it has not been edited yet. Per Wikipediapodden tradition, we did record one episode leading up to Wikimania and one episode summarizing it. These two are, alas, only available in Swedish.

My sessions

Open as a Prerequisite for Solving the Climate Crisis

I participated in this panel as part of my work in the Open Climate Data project for Creative Commons that I do in Open By Default now. The session was overflowing with people, apparently a huge interest. Many of the questions were specifically about the intersection with Wikidata, and I think there are some things Wikimedia needs to do to really enable this. First, create a connection from the Wikidata Query Service to the Data namespace on Wikimedia Commons. Second, enabling Structured data in the Data namespace on Wikimedia Commons so that provenance and attribution can be solved.

My slides.

Add your country to the Wikidata Govdirectory

While I had a workshop session with this title last year, this year it was a poster session. I think at least a few people got inspired to take a closer look at their countries when back home, and I got some good sources immediately when standing there.

Full size version.

Climate policy in Wikidata

This poster really sparked many interesting conversations. It was inspiring that so many attendees were so knowledgeable about Wikidata and also found it important.

Full size version.

Wikimedians for Sustainable Development

While the user group Wikimedians for Sustainable Development didn’t have any particular sessions by themselves, many members were organizing sessions and even more people in the community had sessions related to the sustainable development goals. They were so many that I just to get an overview for myself, I created a subpage where I roughly categorized them by SDG goal and type of session.

What’s next?

As usual, a Wikimania leaves you with loads of inspiration and ideas. So what will I try to do next?

  • As mentioned before, follow the discussions about Data on Commons and provide feedback where I can. I already started with some input on Phabricator.
  • Help design a more welcoming Video landing page on Wikimedia Commons.
  • Investigate if there is a bug with Related Changes on Wikidata.
  • I emailed the organizer of next year’s Wikimania that I would like to volunteer on making it a good hybrid conference.
  • Start a discussion on Swedish Wikipedia to turn on some of the new event tools.
  • Continue watching the talks on my backlog.

My sustainability July 2024

July was not as busy as June, but I still felt like good progress was made.

User group meeting

The meeting was yet again organized by another member of the user group, and sharing responsibilities is great. While not many attended, we decided to mode forwarded with the strategy work, which will be a fresh air and sorely needed. Minutes are published.


Wikimania is coming up in a week, and I have started organizing a meetup for anyone interested in sustainable development.

I also looked through the entire program and made a list of all sessions related to the SDGs. Hopefully, that can help people navigate to impactful sessions.


I sent another monthly newsletter! This time I also got some input from more user group members, which is promising for the future.

This is the second half of my seventh monthly report of my New Year’s resolutions.

My sustainability June 2024

June was busy and fun! Just check all the things that happened.


WikiAfrica Hour had the theme: #36: Does the Wikimedia movement contribute to the SDGs? and I was a guest representing the user group. It went well in my opinion and I think it might be an inspiring episode for people who see it.

User group meeting

We had a good and productive meeting, and another member of the user group organized it. That was a lovely feeling. Minutes are published.

Affiliate health

The Affiliations Committee published new criteria for judging the health of the affiliates, and based on that I made a table to see how well Wikimedians for Sustainable Development meet them. The table makes it clear that we have some room for improvement, and makes it very actionable what we need to do.

Goals and strategy

One very concrete thing we are missing are measurable goals. So I started a page for us to collect them. When doing that, I thought it would be necessary to connect them to the movement strategy, and set up a strategy page for the user group to do that connection. Of course, both of these are just empty placeholders for now, but at least we have some concrete things for the agenda for our upcoming meetings.

Voting on the Movement Charter

The user group may vote on the adoption of the Movement Charter, so I started a page for our vote and got nominated as the person to submit it on the behalf of the user group.


I sent another monthly newsletter, and this one was full of stuff, both from the user group and from around the movement.

This is the first half of my sixth monthly report of my New Year’s resolutions.